Welcome to Infinity Minnesota!

Our unique, personalized, whole-child approach integrates the latest neuro-motor therapies with the transformative powers of Functional Neuroscience, Speech Therapy, Chiropractic Care, and Nutrition.

Discover how our unwavering dedication to your child’s healthy development and well-being sets us apart.

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We believe in the body’s infinite capacity to heal, grow, and thrive.


The Infinity Method

We're here to help your child reach their
full potential, one step at a time.

Our approach centers on the whole child, using a multi-dimensional treatment plan grounded in evidence-based research and leading-edge neuro-motor therapies. We are committed to helping every child thrive, not just in the clinic, but in life. The brain and body are very complex, so our integrated treatment plans employ a unique blend of Functional Neuroscience, Chiropractic Care, Speech Therapy, Physiotherapy, Nutrition, and Occupational Therapy.

We also use an intensive model of care to get faster, better results.
Learn more about The Infinity Center Intensive Model.


Take the next steps to help your child live without limits.

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Our passion for children and their families drives everything we do. 

At The Infinity Center, we are deeply committed to understanding the intricate brain-body connection and how it influences every aspect of a child's development.

We believe in the body’s infinite potential to heal and thrive when given the right support. Our mission is to nurture this natural process by providing a personalized, whole-child approach that embraces the unique needs of every child.

Our multi-dimensional treatment plans are rooted in the latest evidence-based research and therapies in neuro-motor development. We tailor each child’s journey to their individual growth stages, ensuring they receive the support they need to flourish.

We are dedicated to guiding your child’s development in a way that respects their individuality, while helping them achieve their fullest potential.


“We approach everything from a developmental standpoint.”

Dr. Josh Madsen